Cultural Events and Educational Events


Cultural Events and Educational Events

An event is a planned action, a long planning process. However, an event also means being open to changes.

Unforeseen events are always going to arise, so the planning process must be structured but also flexible.

We have defined the Organization of events and the types of events that are: Business or Corporate Events, Social Events and Sports Events.

Today, we are going to talk about Cultural Events and Educational Events.


Cultural events are events designed for entertainment and enjoyment of a more or less wide audience. They are events of some importance related to some branch of art, culture or values.

These events aim to propagate and disseminate cultural themes. These may refer to different arts such as performing arts, musicals, photography, literature,…. Festivals or conferences are usually organized for a particular theme.

Each type of event requires a physical space appropriate to its characteristics, a certain technical implementation, a given broadcast strategy.

These events are usually carried out by corporations or cultural groups. However, within the cultural events sector we can also find companies specialized in promotional marketing.

There are different types and events that can be classified as cultural events and that are very present nowadays. Such as:

Inaugurations of cultural centres:

Inauguration event of any center that has a direct relationship with culture. It focuses mainly on openings of museums, artistic centers, dance schools, etc…

Exhibitions of artistic works:

Exhibitions mainly related to art: painting, sculpture, music, etc…

Cultural festivals:

There are a variety of festivals that have to do with culture and can therefore be classified as cultural events. For example, music, theatre or dance festivals.

Street shows:

Shows of juggling, magic, dance, etc… are street shows that can be defined as cultural events and are increasingly present in our day to day.

Artistic courses:

Last but not least, the conduct of courses of painting, music, dance or other activity related to culture are also considered cultural events.


Educational or academic events are a set of professional, artistic or technical activities involving some kind of teaching or training.

This type of event aims to give the opportunity to professionals from different areas to enrich their integral training.

In pedagogical terms there are different types of educational events, such as:


An expert event where a topic is developed and presented in a complete and detailed way through talks or discussions. Focusing on the topic of various angles or points of view through individual, brief, synthetic and succession interventions.


Event that is usually held on a regular basis where a group of people of the same specialty meet to discuss issues of various kinds. It consists of an exchange of experiences, opinions and problems. This type of meeting can be applied through conferences, round table, workshops.


It is an event where a group in its entirety discusses a topic, fact or problem, conducted by a coordinator. The forums can be public, private and protected. Forums are usually the final part of symposium or roundtables.


It is a training event where the teacher or instructor transmits the information through various learning techniques. A symposium, reading or meeting often becomes a workshop if accompanied by a hands-on demonstration. It is an event made up of small groups of 10 to 30 people.


Event where different situations of a general and/or specific topic are presented, and in addition a decision or proposal is reached. Event usually organized by a single company, with a minimum duration of two days and consisting of a group of 50 to 400 people.


Specialized event that has a technical and academic nature whose objective is to carry out an in-depth study of a certain subject matter and have the participation of specialists. It is an event consisting of at least 50 participants.

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